
LAGraph is available at Be sure to check out the default stable branch, or use one of the stable releases. LAGraph requires SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS, available at

To compile and install LAGraph, you must first compile and install a recent version of SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS. Place LAGraph and GraphBLAS in the same folder, side-by-side. Compile and (optionally) install SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS (see the documentation in SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS for details). At least on Linux or Mac, if GraphBLAS is not installed system-wide, LAGraph can find it if GraphBLAS appears in the same folder as LAGraph, so you do not need system privileges to use GraphBLAS.

LAGraph includes a CMakeLists.txt file that does the bulk of the work to build the package. Also included is a very simple Makefile that simplifies the use of make for Linux and MacOS. In Linux or Mac, you can use it to run these commands:

cd LAGraph
make test

If you have system admin privileges, you can then install LAGraph:

sudo make install

On Windows, the CMakeLists.txt file can be imported into MS Visual Studio, and LAGraph can be built directly from there.